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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

vegas with the old lady

this year, the old lady's birthday happened to fall on the weekend of the bean's midseason cheer competition...in vegas.  sounds almost perfect except for the fact that cheer weekends usually involve a lot of running around and meeting up with the team for one thing or another.  but we were determined to make it a fun weekend all the way around, which is not hard when you're in vegas, amirite?

since the hub, the bean and i had to be in town by 5:00 on friday afternoon, we drove out that morning and booked the old lady and her special friend a one-way southwest flight that was timed so that they could still work a full day, drop off stevie for boarding and get to the airport in time.  i still want to recap the beginning of our trip, but i'm skipping ahead to highlight the old lady's birthday because birthday princess.

we got up that morning and made our way out to our new favorite vegas breakfast spot - the omelet house.  the old lady was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to celebrate her 24th (!!!!) birthday.

breakfast was delicious and filling, and when we got back in the car we surprised her with a giant bag that brought almost as big a smile to her face:

from there the hub drove us to the "welcome to las vegas" sign to snap a couple of fun photos.

and a little later, he dropped us off on the strip to pick up something she was super excited for - a yard o'margarita.

the cheer competition was that afternoon, and after watching her sister perform with her team she and her special friend headed out to meet up with her dad, who just happened to be in town on a work assignment.  i knew she was happy to be able to spend time with both of her parents on her birthday, and she was in a great mood all day.

we closed out the day with a visit to top golf at the MGM grand.  we'd always wanted to come here to play, so everyone was happy, and everyone had a great time.

i know it was different from other birthdays we've spent with her, but i hope she had fun anyway.  we tried our best to make the day about her despite the cheer competition, and so i think she still felt the love on her special day.

and holy cow.  my baby is 24.  24!!  i can't even believe it.  i love her so much, and i'm so proud of the woman she's become.  she's still got so much ahead of her, and i can't wait to see what life has in store for her.

happy birthday, my little love.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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