wan-na find something?

Monday, July 22, 2019

independence day, hawaiian-style

the hub was feeling considerably better the next morning after trying to sleep away his aches and pains.  still, we let him sleep in while the rest of us headed downstairs to check out the fitness center and get our day off to a good start.

we were happy to find that it was well-equipped, with everything from free weights and medicine balls to gym quality treadmills and elliptical machines.  i decided to create my own version of an orangetheory workout - warmup on the rowing machine, body resistance exercises with medicine balls, and power walking on the treadmill with alternating inclines and speeds. 

it was actually pretty effective, and i managed to burn a decent amount of calories in 45 minutes (at least, according to my trusty apple watch).  the bean did some time on the bike and the treadmill and then joined the old lady and her special friend as they helped her with some free weight exercises.  when we got back up to the condo, she discovered the beauty that is UCC coffee.  especially funny because she typically doesn't love the flavor of coffee, but this stuff is definitely coffee-lite.

once everyone had showered and ready for the day, we headed out to hit up one of our favorite spots for korean food - gina's BBQ.  it's kind of a hole-in-the-wall in a little strip mall next to a foodland, and it's tiny inside - especially when it's the 4th of july and a bunch of people are in and out, picking up feasts to take home to their families for the holiday.

this is the "gina's special" - kalbi, bbq chicken, and bulgogi with rice, veggies, spring rolls and noodles.  so good.

right next door was the cigar, wine and liquor store that the hub wanted to hit up for essentials.  we picked up all sorts of things for adult beverages, and the bean managed to find some snacks she wanted to try.

the hub surprised the bean by pulling up directions to a shop she'd found online that she wanted to check out.  it wasn't very far from where we were, and she was super stoked when we pulled up.

it was full of all sorts of novelty items - kind of like an asian claire's.  heh.  but what she was after was the wide variety of BTS merchandise.  i guess they have animated alternate egos, and there are plush toys and notebooks and pouches and all sorts of other stuff.  the hub let her pick out a whole bunch of stuff including a new backpack, and she left the store with all her new loot safely in hand.

we made another stop on our way back to the condo - this time at another shopping plaza that had a bunch of food trucks lined up facing the freeway.  this one had caught our eye:

there was a pretty long line, but it moved fast.  and after we picked up our pink box full of fresh, hot pillowy malasadas we found the bean and the hub grabbing some drinks and eyeing the lechon truck nearby.

mmm.  we'd chosen some of pretty much everything - the original sugar-coated malasadas, plus some cinnamon and li hing (sweet & sour sugar).  and of course, there were filled puffs too.  yummy.

the last stop was at the local foodland, to stock up on basics.  i was enthralled with the wide variety of spam i found down one aisle:

although this didn't exactly get the same reaction. 

after we took everything upstairs and put it all away, we headed down to check out the bar scene.  the bean eventually jumped into the pool and then got her daddy to take her to the beach, just outside the gate.

while they frolicked, the rest of us sat at the bar and enjoyed the breeze with beverages and a mini pizza.

and then later on, we headed out in search of some dinner and found that a lot of places were closed for the holiday.  we ended up at the hawaiian version of denny's...zippy's.

this is their "zip pac" - fried chicken, breaded fish, a slice of spam and teriyaki beef served on top of rice seasoned with furikake.

we happened to get super lucky with the location of our condo, wedged between disney aulani and other ko'olina resorts on the other side.  after sunset, there were two different fireworks shows happening that night and we were able to see them both depending on which of our two lanais we stood on. 

delicious hawaiian food in our bellies.  drinks in hand.  hanging out on the lanai and not having to go anywhere to watch fireworks.  i'd say it was a pretty awesome 4th of july, wouldn't you?

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

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