wan-na find something?

Friday, July 12, 2019

it's time for dodgers baseball!

so i mentioned that cousin seven, her live-in love and their dog came to stay with us for a few days.  it was really fun to have them over because we don't get to see them very often, and we rarely get to have houseguests.  almost all of our cousins had committed to going to filipino night at dodger stadium, which is also a pretty rare occasion.  it usually takes something huge, like a wedding or a funeral to get everyone all in one place at the same time.

we were still experiencing june gloom at the time, and so when i hit up target for something to wear i ended up picking out this long-sleeved top for the nighttime game.

somehow the traffic on the way to dodger stadium wasn't terrible on that friday evening, and with the prepaid parking voucher i bought online we found a pretty good spot pretty easily.

the hub had scored himself a spot at the world series of poker in vegas that weekend, and so we invited the bean's BFF to take his place.  while they're not really baseball fans, they were both pretty excited to spend the evening together since they hadn't seen much of each other since school let out.

our group of 20+ cousins and plus-ones took up a good amount of this section facing left field.  we had a pretty good view of the game:

our tickets included these souvenir dodger jerseys, and most of us put ours on to watch the game:

while i had a classic dodger dog:

the old lady opted for this cheeseburger that was topped with a grilled hot dog.

there was other stuff too, like micheladas for them and cotton candy and ice cream for me and the girls.  eating is the best at baseball games.

when the game ended (with a dodger win, yay!), we asked someone sitting in front of us to snap a group photo for us.  because if you don't get a picture, did it really happen?

and then a bunch of them headed down to the field to get a good spot for friday night fireworks:

and when the show was over we gathered again and took a bunch more pictures before everyone went their separate ways.

i'd forgotten how much fun it is to go to the stadium and watch a game live.  maybe we'll head out at least once more before summer comes to an end.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...