wan-na find something?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

more o'ahu fun

we decided to head back out to waikiki the next day to walk around, grab some drinks and snacks, and revisit the moana surfrider where we'd stayed a couple of years ago.  it was just as crowded as it always is, and we walked down the beach over to duke's.

hello, don ho.

we crossed off another item on our list inside the mitsuwa marketplace, where we'd discovered mochi donuts last time.  after mulling over the options, we settled on peanut butter, chocolate and cookies & cream.  they were just as delicious as we remembered. 

on our way back to the condo, we stopped at target to pick up a few essentials and found items that we definitely wouldn't find at our local target at home.

after one last stop at the abc store to pick up some inflatable tubes to float around in, we changed into swimsuits and hit the beach.  i finally put on my long-sleeved rash guard that i'd bought months ago just for this trip, and hoped that it would be the trick to avoiding the awful sun poisoning i always take home from trips to hawaii.  between that and making sure i wore a hat anytime we spent time in the sun, i was about as protected as i could get.

it was relaxing and lots of fun just hanging out in the water for a few hours, doing nothing but riding the waves and chatting and laughing.  the hub alternated between enjoying a cigar, grabbing drinks from the bar and swimming in the ocean with us, and everyone was happy and ready for some dinner.  we headed back upstairs and while i waited for my turn in the shower, i went outside and took in the view that never gets old.

since we were heading over to roy's across the street at the golf club, i decided to bust out a dress i'd picked up at the morning lavender warehouse sale.  this was in the pile of clothing near the cashier and i'd been stoked to scoop it up for a whopping $5.  not too shabby, right?

while we could easily have walked over, we found ourselves running behind schedule and ended up driving over to make sure we arrived in time for our reservation.

mai tai time:

we kicked things off with some hawaiian-style crispy crab cakes.

the hub decided to throw in this platter of deliciousness that i think was actually meant to be an entree, but it was perfect for sharing.

someone ordered the filet mignon, and it looked amazing:

i think this was chicken, ordered by the seafood-hating old lady.  hell, i can't remember.  it looks like chicken.

roy's famous butterfish.

this was my plate, and it was two kinds of fish plus a handroll that i ended up too full to even take a bite of.

for dessert, we ordered the chocolate souffle:

plus their version of a pineapple upside-down cake.

it was a lovely dinner, and a great way to close out another fabulous o'ahu day.

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