wan-na find something?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

BTS goes to the fair

it's that time again!

on tuesday, the bean and i hopped in the car to head out to the fairplex in pomona.  i've done this enough times now that i know exactly where i need to go and how to get there.  we pulled into gate 1, checked in with the security guard and found a parking spot amongst the other vehicles that were there getting set up for the fair that starts in two days.

we're only ever there for maybe a whole five minutes, but it's really fun to drive through and look at all of the colorful booths advertising all of the fantastic and ridiculous fair food that we can't wait to dive into.

i totally forgot to contact the media department and so i didn't score an invitation to the annual media preview event to try all of the fun new foods that'll be debuting this year.  bummer.  but i did manage to remember to order the souvenir box containing four season passes that will give us access to all of the fun for the duration of the fair.  and so when they open on friday we'll head down there to check out the shopping, the super-bad-for-you grub and of course...see if i managed to place in the cookie competition. 

the theme for this year's fair is "fair goes POP," putting a spotlight on pop culture and local landmarks and businesses.  i decided to put my own twist on the theme and indulged the bean with these BT21 cookies:

if you didn't know, BT21 is the collection of animated characters created by the members of - you guessed it - the bean's beloved k-pop supergroup BTS.  there are a total of 8 characters, but the competition requires only 6 cookies to be turned in.  so i picked the ones i felt most comfortable duplicating in cookie form and made a couple of each.  i had the bean choose the best ones to turn in, and i think they get judged today.  i'm still pulling for 4th so i can have one of those pretty pink ribbons.  heh. 

cross your fingers!

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...