wan-na find something?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

pretty dog-gone entertaining

i really thought we were pretty much over the whole pop-up "museum" craze.

i was wrong.

because as soon as the old lady spotted an ad for a pet-friendly one called pet pop, we were all in.  i mean, who doesn't love an outing with their dogs?  and we were excited to take stevie and cocoa (teddy wasn't in the picture quite yet) for a car ride to do something fun together.

the old lady hit me up to make a bow tie for stevie to wear, and so i got up early the day of our pet pop visit and busted this out:

of course, i had to make something for cocoa to wear too.  i sewed up a quick shirt using the most perfect fabric in my stash and got her to sit still long enough to pull the hair on top of her head into a little ponytail and then giggled like crazy for a solid ten minutes when it was done.

i clipped in the car seat i'd bought for her into the back next to the bean, and while we tried our hardest to get her to stay put cocoa refused to sit in the damned thing.  she spent the whole ride to l.a. like this:

the museum was in the arts district, and being a sunday morning it was pretty easy to get there and find parking.

after getting a quick overview of the rules (not much to it...basically keep your pet on their leash and clean up after them if they happen to go potty), we started wandering through the themed rooms.  while the old lady headed off for a restroom break, i took charge of stevie while the bean watched over cocoa.

stevie was excited to be reunited with his mom, who was gone for a whole two minutes.

we tried to get the two dogs to sit still long enough for a quick picture, but it wasn't happening.  and yes, the bean totally wore a dress that matched her dog.

there was a walk of fame on the way to the next room (super cheesy, i know).

who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

there were lots of stuffed animals in the next room, which normally stevie loves to play with.  i think maybe it was a bit of sensory overload though, because he was so distracted he didn't even stop to pick any of them up.

 the bean hopped right into this tub full of feathers and pulled cocoa in with her.

it was funny watching the dogs react to being placed in the ball pit.  cocoa seemed to be okay with it, just sitting there for the most part while stevie couldn't get out of it fast enough.

 he hopped right outta there and immediately nervous peed.  poor guy.

we hoped maybe the next room would be a little more relaxing for him.

the bean tried in vain to get cocoa to sit in the lips-shaped chair, but gave up and sat in it herself.

just in case you forgot...

for those with feline friends, there was this:

in this house there was a photo booth, so of course we took advantage.

what pop-up museum is complete without a big wall to leave a message on?

the rest of the photo ops were pretty random.

there was also giant human-sized hamster wheel, but i only took boomerang videos and for some reason blogger is being a grump and not letting me upload them.  boo.

of course, at the end there was a gift shop.

and this big guy was hanging out in the enclosed grassy play area.  stevie ran right up to him to play, but cocoa was unimpressed.  the feeling was not mutual though, as he stared at her and jumped away in fright when she stood up to say hello.  it was pretty funny.

 everyone was pretty exhausted from all the excitement on the way home.

and later on, we all took a dip in the pool to cool off.

ah, these dogs.  they always bring the entertainment.  i hope molly is watching and laughing at all the antics.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

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