wan-na find something?

Friday, October 4, 2019

a very goofy brunch

the next morning, everyone woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to do a little pre-brunch shopping in downtown disney.  the moms wanted to pick up some souvenirs for the little sisters at home, and so once everyone was all packed up and the bags taken down to the bell desk for storage we said goodbye to our fun disneyland hotel suite and headed on out of there.

the 50th anniversary celebration for the haunted mansion is well represented with these fun decorations in the elevators and a huge photo op along one wall near the lobby.


in the disney dress shop we found a display of the $600 heidi klum-designed ears.  yes, that's right - SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS.  yowza.

after everyone had their purchases in hand, it was time to head back to the hotel to meet up with the guys for brunch at goofy's kitchen.

of course, we had to take this:

inside, the hub and the special friend had already checked us in and ushered us towards the photo op with goofy.

we were shown to our table, which happened to be in a quiet little corner that was pretty close to the grub.  once we'd picked out our seats, we headed over to the buffet to check it all out.  this was the first thing that caught my eye:

um, yes please.  and we all know i eat like a toddler with no supervision, so this was my first plate:

as everyone else trickled back to the table to start eating, we were greeted by an old friend.

this is my most favorite picture of that entire morning:

after i'd wolfed down that plate of deliciousness, i headed back to the buffet and eyed the dessert bar.  here, you can see too:

pluto was the bean's favorite character when she was little.  i don't know if she remembers that, but she seemed pretty excited to see him when he came to visit our table.

i never remember which one is chip and which one is dale.  either way, one of them came over to say hello.

it was a fun, loud, delicious brunch and a lovely way to wrap up what had been a pretty phenomenal celebration of the bean's 12th birthday.  we parted ways as we waited for the valet to bring the cars up, and half an hour later we were home.

thanks for another wonderful weekend, disneyland!  see ya real soon!

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um, i think.

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