wan-na find something?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

even more sewing fun

i've been having a ball sewing through some of my cooler weather fabrics over the last couple of weeks.  i still don't have a picture of the old lady in the fabulous stretch corduroy bell bottoms she asked for, but i did make her this super soft chenille sweater that she's already worn a couple of times:

i tried to recreate a dress that the bean wore recently in a different color for family pictures.  as far as the actual style, i pretty much nailed it...too bad the fabric i picked up at joann's didn't drape quite right.  and this is the only picture i got of her trying it on:

and then i decided to try a short-sleeved version of a top i'd already made for myself in a different color.  this pattern is turning out to be one of my favorites. and don't mind the mess in the background.  the hub'll probably kill me for it, but honestly...anyone who sews or crafts knows, the only time your workspace is actually clean is - well, huh.  never?

and lest you think my projects are always a success, let me tell you - i bust out the seam ripper on a pretty regular basis.  sometimes i'm on a roll, sewing away happily and get a little too cocky...and end up sewing a neckband on backwards.  d-oh!

i'd been hoarding that fabric for a year, waiting for the right pattern to use it on, and i was so mad when i realized what i'd done.  and sweater knit is so hard to seam rip.  gah!  and so instead of ripping it out and reattaching it, i just folded the band over, sewed it down and it was totally fine.  i'd show you if i'd actually taken a picture but i didn't, so there.

i spent a good chunk of yesterday working on something i don't have much experience with - baby clothes.  my favorite barre instructor is expecting a little boy in january, and so i decided to put together a little present for her.  i'm pretty sure i giggled the whole time i worked on these pieces, because they're so cute and tiny.  i did everything in a 3-month size, and let me tell you...trying to sew cuffs on teeny-tiny sleeves and hemming itty-bitty pants is not the easiest.  still, i'm pretty stoked over how they all turned out.

the cutest little cardigan (which i almost sewed pockets on until i stopped and thought about how incredibly unnecessary pockets are for a 3-month-old):

here's the tiniest raglan top i'll probably ever make:

little pants to match:

and a little beanie with (slightly misshapen) mouse ears, because why not:

this little outfit is probably my favorite thing i've sewn up in a long time.

looking at the weather forecast for the next ten days, i think i'm going to get going on more sweater knit tops and cardigans.  i've got a lot of super soft, snuggly material that's begging to be sewn up into staples i'll likely wear often over the next couple of months.  i'd better get started!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...