wan-na find something?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

going back for more lasa

so after going to lasa a few weeks ago with my friends, one of my cousins responded to my post on instagram.  i mentioned that we should go together, and so we picked a date with a couple of our other cousins to have brunch.  the bean was just as excited to go back, especially once she found out who we were going with.  she and my cousin's kids hadn't had much of a chance to hang out lately, so this was going to be a treat for everyone.

this time, i decided to try their iced coffee.  it came with a little pitcher of simple syrup and another of coconut cream, which made for a pretty delightful tasting shot of caffeine.

the girls were super excited to sit together and compare apps and pictures and things on their phones.

like last time, we decided to order one of everything on the menu to pass around the table.  it worked out just as well, and i was happy that everyone loved it as much as i did.  i didn't take pictures of everything this time, but i couldn't resist this shot of the crispy pata, just before my cousin dug in and carved it up for everyone.

and unlike last time, we ordered a couple of bowls of their condensed milk ice cream topped with black sesame polvoron.  it was rich and creamy and delicious.

our server was happy to take a group shot of us (which we probably should have done while all of the food was on the table so that it would have been a little more exciting, but whatever).

we asked to see their dinner menu just for kicks, and after reading up on the delicious-sounding dishes available we decided that we'd have to pick another date and go back to try them all.  it was so much fun to hang out and catch up with everyone, and it made me realize that we really should make more of an effort to get together more often.

don't worry, i'll be sure to take lots more pictures next time.  heh.

1 comment:

  1. Loved to see you having fun with family! Also had a kick knowing you do like Filipino food. Love you all.


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...