wan-na find something?

Friday, November 1, 2019

i've become *that* dog mom

i just looked at my camera roll and found an asston of dog pictures.  i take them of all three dogs, although teddy and stevie seem to be a little more photogenic than cocoa.  i mean...look at these faces!

cocoa - well...she's adorable, but she just doesn't photograph as well.  sorry, kid.

most of the time i'm capturing their antics to share with the hub, or the old lady and her special friend.  here the kids were waiting anxiously for their friend stevie to join them:

teddy seems to have cleared a path underneath our bed that's perfect for him to run through when cocoa's chasing him through the house.  it's cool and all, but i clearly need to find a new spot for my collection of tieks because if i ever catch him chewing on those...

and here i busted him after he'd figured out how he could get around the fence and climb up onto the wall.  sheesh.  note the look of shame on his face.  he knows his ass isn't supposed to be up there.

this spot on the couch is a popular one.  they're always fighting over who gets to lay here.

whenever teddy's trying to escape the others, he just hops into the pool because he knows neither of them will go after him in there.  he's our only water dog, it seems.

and then he climbs up into one of the chairs and passes out from all that water play.

he and stevie are besties.  they love to play together, and it's awesome because they wear each other out and sleep hard through the night.

 we were cracking up at this one because of the look on his face.

he's just so darn cute.

i caught him mid-yawn one morning;

it's so hard to believe there are only a couple of months between these two pictures.

we finally start a training class at petsmart on monday, and i'm excited to get started.  they're ridiculously cute and so much fun to have around, but i want to make sure we do it right this time and teach them things like how to follow basic commands and how to walk on a leash and stuff like that.  the old lady is taking stevie and the bean and i will take the puppies, and it'll be a fun group outing.

wish us luck!  we're gonna need it.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...