wan-na find something?

Friday, March 13, 2020

huh? what coronavirus?

so, yes - our trip to florida with the bean's cheer team proceeded as planned.  no cancellations due to the coronavirus, and so with an abundance of caution we made our way out to LAX on wednesday morning.  i'd been a little concerned about getting there through rush-hour traffic, but as it turns out, lots of people seem to be working from home these days.  the freeway was pretty much empty at 9:00 in the morning.  almost eerily so, to be honest.

we got to the airport in record time.  and as we made our way towards the terminal, that eerie quiet continued.  this is not a normal sight at LAX...not at all.

after we said our goodbyes to the hub and dropped off our bags with the skycap, we headed on inside to get through security and find our gate.  if we weren't all wearing sneakers our footsteps would have damn near echoed in the empty building.

we were traveling with one of the bean's cheer teammates, and she was sweet and quiet and polite.  we had ample time to find some breakfast, pick up some airplane snacks and hang out at the gate.  there weren't a ton of exciting food options, so we ended up grabbing some breakfast sandwiches and finding seats near the gate.  of course, as we sat there waiting for our flight to board someone wearing a mask came over and sat down next to our friend.  "let's go to the gift shop!" i said as we left immediately.  eek.

there was a 10-minute delay in the boarding process as maintenance worked on the PA system on the plane, and then finally we were making our way onboard.

once we found our seats we got to work on disinfecting our space, donning latex gloves and wiping down all of the surfaces around us and tossing everything into the plastic bag i'd packed.

our little friend was a first-time flyer, so we did our best to help keep her calm and relaxed.  she seemed to handle her first take-off just fine, and then we all settled in for our almost 5-hour flight.

the bean had picked up all of her schoolwork and got to work right away, pulling out her laptop and connecting to the wifi.

eventually they both fell asleep.

while our friend slept through the majority of the flight, the bean woke up after about a half hour power nap and got back to work while i dove into netflix's "love is blind."  oh boy...that's quite a show.

the lady in front of me kept draping a towel over her headrest, and the bean whispered "don't touch that...it might have coronavirus on it."

we landed about 15 minutes ahead of schedule and once we got off the plane we found this on the shuttle to baggage claim.  sorry guys, we've already been recruited into the resistance at disneyland.

once we found our bags we followed the signs to disney's magical express, which would take us right to our hotel.  the woman who checked us in was really rude, which was most definitely less than magical.  oh well.

it was about a 40-minute drive from the airport to our hotel, which was, of course, the very last stop.  the bean took this from her seat as we arrived into disney property:

check-in was easy and fast, and then we were heading to our room in the 101 dalmatians building.  on our way out of the main building i noticed this:

oh yes.  with no fitness facilities at the hotel and the humidity (and my shins) keeping me from using the running trails that was going to be the extent of my exercise for awhile.

the rooms at the all star hotels are...very basic.

a quick tug on one of those handles and the bed appeared as if by magic.

the bathroom is adequate.

we were all starving, so once we dropped off our bags we headed back to the main building to hit the food court.  i was really amused to see that we'd be spending the next five days living behind a gigantic dog's ass.

since we're at the all star movies hotel, everything is appropriately themed.  it's very cute.

and there was a nice assortment of desserts to pick from, which we made a mental note to return to later.

i picked up refillable drink mugs for all of us, and they have a chip built into the bottom that tells the soda machines how long they're good for.  so fancy!

we headed back up to the room to relax and unwind after a long day of travel.  of course, with the time difference none of us could fall asleep at a decent time.  one by one though, we finally all dozed off somewhere after 1am.

welcome to florida!

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