wan-na find something?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

celebrating at our own chateau

let's take a quick break from our exciting life on lockdown for something happier...today is the hub's birthday!

never mind that we were supposed to be getting ready to check into chateau marmont for the weekend and have dinner at a couple of really fun places and hike runyon canyon.  it's all good.  we can still celebrate at home with some sort of delicious delivered meal, and we can still enjoy time together and watch ozark tonight in the back yard and just be grateful for our health and safety.

plus, if we weren't quarantined would there have been a need for me to make him this??

happy birthday to my most favorite guy in the whole world.  he's always here to make us laugh, to be supportive of whatever we're doing, to help whenever we inevitably need some sort of assistance.  he loves us and takes care of us and gives his all to make sure that we're happy, and even though he says it's "just another day," i still hope we can make this birthday a good one.

love you, boo.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

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