wan-na find something?

Monday, August 10, 2020

making some covid lemonade outta some sour ass covid lemons

thinking about how much fun we had planned for this summer just sucks so much.  covid snatched away some really awesome trips and things - a great animation camp for the bean along with what promised to be an amazing leadership camp in washington DC that would have brought her and her BFF (who'd moved to a different school last year) back together for a full week.  we were going to follow that up with a fantastic east coast road trip, hitting different spots than the one we did a decade ago.  and our big family vacation should have been all of last week, down in cabo san lucas at the viceroy resort.  sigh.

instead, we decided to pack everyone up and do a local road trip up to santa barbara.  while it wasn't what we'd imagined doing, we were all still pretty excited for a change of scenery and a fun getaway together.  and i got the old lady to help me cover up my gray roots the day before we left, because they were a little out of control and i wasn't going to be seen out in public looking like THAT.

after packing some bags and supplies for all three dogs, we hit the road.  of course, about halfway through the 2-hourish drive, we stopped for a potty break (which also happened to be near a starbucks, so we grabbed a pick-me-up too).

it was amazing watching the temperature change as we drove up.  when we left home, it was about 104 degrees - and by the time we reached santa barbara, there was a good 30-degree difference.  it was lovely.  we pulled up to the hotel milo and took the dogs out for another potty break while the hub went into the lobby to get us checked in.

the kids were in a cute room in the next building over from us, while the hub and i got this adorable little bungalow that faced the courtyard - perfect for taking the dogs outside when they needed to get out.

inside, we had a small sitting area and a little dining table.  the bed was cool and comfy, and there was a little patio outside, off to one side.  the bathroom was teeny-tiny and the hub found three spiders within the first few minutes.  but overall, it was clean and comfy and perfect for spending the next few nights in.

we dropped off our bags and then headed outside to sit on the patio near the lobby that faced the ocean.  while we waited for the kids to join us, the hub went inside to grab some snacks and wine from the little market.

like my mask?

the hub and cocoa had matching crazy eyes going on.

whenever we're in this area, we always make it a point to head to the original location of the habit.  while this doesn't sound particularly exciting, since they've expanded in recent years and have locations all over southern california, at the original one they have a secret menu item that you can't get anywhere else - chili.  really good, really tasty chili that you can add to your burger, your hot dog, your fries.  mmmmmm.

teddy loves to sit in the hub's lap whenever we're in the truck.  i think the hub secretly adores it despite his protests to the contrary while it's happening.

while the hub and the old lady's special friend decided to walk over to state street to check out the cigar lounge, i spent some time with the girls in their room.  when the dogs started sniffing around and looking to go outside, we headed back to our own room where cocoa jumped right up onto the bed and promptly fell asleep.  the hub got back around that time too, and then teddy took a few minutes to relax and destress with one of his favorite toys before he dropped off to dreamland.

day one of our annual family vacay, check!

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