wan-na find something?

Friday, August 7, 2020

on the move again

man, time really flies.  it's already been two years since the old lady and her special friend moved into their first apartment.  with their lease renewal date coming fast, we'd been helping them look around for a bigger place to move into - which has been interesting in these times of covid.  there really hasn't been much in the way of small houses, condos or townhomes available in the area that are in their budget, and after accompanying them on several self-guided tours they ultimately decided to move into a different apartment complex instead.  this time they have two bedrooms instead of just one, and they were pretty excited for the extra space - plus, there's a washer and dryer in the new unit.  bonus!

they were able to sign the lease and receive keys about a week before they had to be out of their old place, which gave them ample time to get packed up and start moving their things out.  they hired a local mover to help them with the big pieces of furniture, and the bean and i went over to help them out and expedite the process.

their new apartment is pretty nice, although still on the second floor.  trudging back and forth between  the car and up and down the stairs reminded me of how much i hate moving.  heh.  but with the help of the movers and everyone pitching in to help pack up cars and then unload and take everything upstairs, it went fairly quickly.

we'd left the dogs in our back yard while we were out getting everything moved, and they were happy to be together.  when we got home they were just hanging out back there, digging through their toys and alternating between snoozing on the couch and chasing each other around the yard.

i was excited to present the old lady with custom masks i'd ordered online a few weeks ago (and promptly forgot about).  look how cute!

later, all 3 dogs got a fun treat - doggy ice cream!

the peanut butter flavored frozen treats kept them occupied for a good amount of time, and it was funny to watch them enjoy their little cups.  every now and then they'd trade places, and before long those cups were licked completely clean.  of course, teddy decided he wanted every little bit - tearing his cup apart in search of more of that tasty treat.

the kids seem to be happy in their new apartment, and while it took stevie a couple of days to adjust to his new surroundings it sounds like he's settled in as well.  they're still unpacking the last bit of their stuff, and it's always amazing to see how much you can accumulate over time.

as for us, we're finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel that is our home renovation.  the majority of the big stuff is complete, and now we're just waiting for all of the final details to fall into place.  while the guest suite is lovely and comfortable, i can't wait till we can move back into our own room again.  i'm looking forward to not having people in the house every morning, banging and stomping and sawing and all of the other noise that we've been listening to.  it'll be great to unpack our things and put them all in their proper places, get our garage back, take down the gates in the back yard that keep the dogs separated from the areas under construction.

soon.  very soon.  i cannot wait.

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