wan-na find something?

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

7th grader in the hizzy

last week, the old lady joined the bean and me as we headed to school for the first time in months for textbook pick-up day.  it was a great chance to say hello to their teachers, pick up all of the stuff they'd need for classes, and see their friends.  the bean was super excited and for once i didn't have to bribe her with anything to get herself ready and into the car.

of course, we picked the busiest part of the day to arrive.  this left me and the old lady standing in a properly socially distanced line to grab the bean's schedule while she excitedly went to talk to her friends.  everyone wore masks, which made it kind of funny because it was a little tricky to figure out who everyone was.  hopefully nobody thought i was being a standoffish bitch because i really didn't recognize a lot of people.  heh.

and since we weren't going to be able to get our actual "first day" photos, we settled for these:

the school had booked a local ice cream truck, and after the kids went through each line to get their materials from each teacher they received a ticket to grab a frosty treat.

while the old lady is definitely an old lady at heart, she really still looks like a little kid.  as we were meeting the bean's new spanish teacher while she was still off talking to her friends, the teacher looked at the old lady and asked her which grade she was in.

"seventh," she said.  and then our eyes met and i could tell she was totally cracking up beneath her mask.

the teacher continued to make conversation with her for just a few seconds before she stopped her and told her she was just joking and that it was her sister who was the actual student.  hopefully she won't hold that against the bean when school starts.  oops (okay, i'm fairly certain she won't because she was super nice).

ice cream!

and as of yesterday, the bean is officially a 7th grader.  holy crap.

doesn't seem like that long ago that we took this:


and this will definitely be one to remember, because it's so different from all the rest.  she's got a sweet setup in the office, thanks to the hub, and so for two days a week she'll be in here from 8:00-3:00 (the days she has her art elective class) and two days from 8:00-1:30.

they have fridays reserved for catch-up, virtual meetings with their teachers if they need it, small group zoom meetups, doing homework, etc.  but let's get real...we've got 3-day weekends for the foreseeable future.

and while she was in class, i headed off to the traditional first day of school brunch with some of my mom friends.

it was really nice to see everyone again, even for just a brief meetup.  the biggest bummer was not being able to toast with our traditional mimosas, because the restaurant was out of champagne.

thanks, 2020.

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